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BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
STAGE 2 - Biblical PASSAGES and Biblical PERSONALITIES in the Koran
UNIT 08 - INVESTIGATE ADDITIONS: Examples of Non-Biblical Texts on Adam Added in the Koran - Analysis, Explanation and Application
08.1 - ADDITION EXAMPLE 1: Allah commanded the angels to worship Adam right after his creation. All obeyed except the Devil, who was condemned by Allah, but given respite on the Devil's appeal (Six koranic passages about Adam added by the Koran)

134 - Non-Biblical Source 2: The verses of the non-biblical text, which influenced the Koran

QUOTATION: “12:1 And the devil sighed and said, ‘O Adam, all my enmity and envy and sorrow concern you, since because of you I am expelled and deprived of my glory, which I had in the heavens in the midst of the angels, and because of you I was cast out onto the earth.’ 12:2 Adam answered, ‘What have I done to you, and what is my blame with you? Since you are neither harmed nor hurt by us, why do you pursue us?’ -- 13:1 The devil replied, ‘Adam, what are you telling me? It is because of you that I have been thrown out of there. 13:2 When you were created, I was cast out from the presence of God and was sent out from the fellowship of the angels. 13:3 When God blew into you the breath of life and your countenance and likeness were made in the image of God, Michael brought you and made (us) worship you in the sight of God, and the LORD God said, ‘Behold Adam! I have made you in our image and likeness.’ -- 14:1 And Michael went out and called all the angels, saying, ‘Worship the image of the LORD God, as the LORD God has instructed.’ 14:2 And Michael himself worshiped first, and called me and said, ‘Worship the image of God, Yahweh.’ 14:3 And I answered, ‘I do not worship Adam.’ And when Michael kept forcing me to worship, I said to him, ‘Why do you compel me? I will not worship one inferior and subsequent to me. I am prior to him in creation; before he was made, I was already made. He ought to worship me.’ -- 15:1 When they heard this, other angels who were under me refused to worship him. 15:2 And Michael asserted, ‘Worship the image of God. But if now you will not worship, the LORD will be wrathful with you.’ 15:3 And I said, ‘If he be wrathful with me, I will set my throne above the stars of heaven and will be like the Most High.’ (See Isaiah 14:13 and Obadiah 4) -- 16:1 And the LORD God was angry with me and sent me with my angels out from our glory; and because of you, we were expelled into this world from our dwellings and have been cast onto the earth. 16:2 And immediately we were made to grieve, since we had been deprived of so great glory. And we were pained to see you in such bliss of delights. 16:3 So with deceit I assailed your wife and made you to be expelled through her from the joys of your bliss, as I have been expelled from my glory.’ -- 17:1 Hearing this from the devil, Adam cried out with great weeping and said, ‘O LORD, my God, my life is in your hands. Remove far from me this my opponent, who seeks to destroy my soul, and give me his glory which he himself has forfeited.’ 17:2 And immediately the devil disappeared from him. 17:3 But Adam persisted forty days standing in repentance in the water of the Jordan.” (SOURCE: The Life of Adam and Eve 12:2 to 17:3. Quoted from: James H. Charlesworth, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha. Volume 2. Doubleday, London 1985. Pages 262 and 264)

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