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19. Good News for the Sick


Dear reader!

If you have studied this booklet carefully, you can easily answer the following questions. Whoever answers 90% of all questions in the three booklets of this series correctly, can obtain a certificate from our center as an encouragement for his/her future services for Christ.

  1. How did Dr. Deshmukh come to know Jesus Christ? Why did he accept Jesus as his Lord and Redeemer?
  2. What lesson did Dr. Deshmukh learn from his sickness and suffering? How did his surrender to the will of God hasten his healing?
  3. What saving effect did prayer have in his healing?
  4. How did the miraculous healing affect the life of Dr. Deshmukh and his attitude towards his patients?
  5. Where do sickness and suffering come from? Does sin play any role in causing them?
  6. What lesson do you learn from the sickness and afflictions of Job?
  7. How does God deal with the sickness of a repentant sinner?
  8. According to Biblical teachings, how does Satan affect the health of people? What is the remedy for "demon possession"?
  9. What does the Bible say about the suffering of Christians? What are the effects of such suffering with respect to salvation?
  10. How will Christians be rewarded in the hereafter for the suffering they endure for Jesus’ sake?
  11. Why can we rejoice in suffering?
  12. What should we do when we face temptations and trials in our lives?
  13. What assurance do we have from God in such situations?
  14. How does the verse 2 Chronicles 7:14 appeal to you?
  15. The Lord said to Paul in his suffering, "My grace is sufficient for you." (2 Corinthians 12:9) What do you think about this statement?
  16. How does personal suffering help and equip a person to help and encourage other sufferers?
  17. Do you visit, console, care and pray for the sick? What effect does it have on the sick person?
  18. What attitude of heart does God require from us?
  19. What good news does the Bible give to the world?
  20. Enumerate the titles of Jesus Christ that are common to the Bible and the Qur’an. Which of these titles prove the divinity of Jesus Christ?
  21. What do you know about Jesus the Messiah?
  22. Why is Jesus the Messiah called the Redeemer?
  23. In what respect does the biblical concept of the SON OF GOD differ from that of the Qur’an?
  24. How do you prove that the Holy Bible is the true Word of God for mankind and that it has not been cancelled or abrogated?
  25. Why do Christians address God as "Heavenly Father"?
  26. How does God’s Holy Spirit influence the life of prophets and believers?

Every participant in this quiz is allowed to use any book at his disposition and to ask any trustworthy person known to him when answering these questions. We wait for your written answers including your full address on the papers or in your e-mail. We pray for you to Jesus, the living Lord, that He will send, guide, strengthen, protect and be with you every day of your life!

Send your answers to:

P.O.Box 1806
70708 Fellbach

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