Home -- Indonesian -- Series 1 (Conversation about Christ)
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Author: Abd al-Masih
This course helps you learn how to share Christ with Muslims. It contains the following 8 booklets:
Bagian 1: Amanat Agung Yesus Tuhan kita
Why should Christians share their faith with Muslims? A look at the great commission of Jesus to his disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 gives you insight into why and how this ministry should be done. Christ's great commission is here contrasted with Muhammads commendemts to his followers to spread Islam.
Bagian 2: Tidak Semua Muslim Percaya dan Berpikir Serupa!
In reaching out to Muslims it is helpful to be conscious of the fact that Muslims can significantly differ from each other. An overview of some important kinds of Muslims you may encounter helps you be prepared to address the right person at the right time.
Bagian 3: Bagaimana Menjelaskan Bahwa Alkitab Tidak Dipalsukan?
The first main dogmatic hindrance for a Muslim in becoming a Christian is their reproach that the Bible has been corrupted. Is this really what the Koran teaches and how can you help a Muslim build trust in the Bible? These questions are addressed on the basis of the Old Testament, the New Testament, common sense, the Koran and your personal testimony.
Bagian 4: Nama dan Gelar Kristus di dalam Al-Qur'an dan Alkitab
The Koran contains approximately 100 verses that talk about Christ. This booklet addresses the following questions: What different names and titles are accorded to Christ in the Koran? How can they be used in sharing Christ with Muslims? How do they contrast with the names and titles of Christ in the Bible?
Bagian 5: Sepuluh Mujizat Kristus di dalam Al-Qur'an
The Koran proclaims that Christ performed miracles. What are the 10 miracles of Christ in the Koran? How can they be used in sharing Christ with Muslims? Find out by studying this booklet.
Bagian 6: Bagaimanakah Rahasia Dari Kesatuan Trinitas Yang Kudus Dijelaskan Kepada Seorang Muslim?
The second main dogmatic hindrance for a Muslim in becoming a Christian is their conviction that Christians believe in three gods. What does the Koran literally teach about this? What misunderstandings of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit have crept into Islam? How can you help a Muslim open up to God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ? These questions are again addressed on the basis of the Old Testament, the New Testament, common sense, the Koran and your personal testimony.
Bagian 7: Batu Sandungan mengenai Salib Dijelaskan Kepada Muslim
The third and last main dogmatic hindrance for a Muslim in becoming a Christian is their belief that Christ was not really killed but that it only looked as though he was crucified. How is it possible to share the Gospel of the crucified Son of God with a Muslim in spite of this counter-belief? Find out by reading our suggestions as to how this is possible on the basis of the Old Testament, the New Testament, rational thinking, the Koran and your personal testimony.
Bagian 8: Apakah Semua Muslim Yang Menjadi Kristen Harus Mati?
If a Muslims is able to overcome these dogmatic hindrances, then a different kind of problem arises, if he wants to become a Christian: Sharia Law prescribes that he must be executed if he does not repent and embrace Islam anew. What practical steps can we take in helping a Muslim accept Christ in spite of this fact and what other chellnges does a Christian from a Muslim background have to face as he follows Christ. Learn how do be prepared for and how to respond in such circumstances by reading this booklet.