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The Sharia of Moses in the TORA
Part 2 - The 365 Prohibitions of the Tora
Included under this term is the tossing of the blood of a sacrifice before an idol*. The commandment also applies to one who deifies any object whatever.**
* As e.g. one who picks up a brick and says, “Thou art my god.” (Sanh. 60a, Sonc. ed. pp. 410f
** Mishneh Torah, Mada, Hilchoth Abodath Kochabim II, 4
“Acceptance of idolatry is tantamount to repudiating the whole Torah, the Prophets and everything that they were commanded, from Adam to the end of time.”*
* Sanhedrin 64b (Sonc. ed. p. 441f)