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The Sharia of Moses in the TORA
Part 2 - The 365 Prohibitions of the Tora
By this prohibition it is forbidden to eat any swarming thing whatever, without regard to whether it be a winged swarming thing, or a thing that swarms in the water, or a thing that swarms upon the earth.
This is a distinct prohibition in itself, the contravention of which is punished by whipping, and it is similar to an issur kolel.* Accordingly, one who eats anything that swarms upon the earth is punished by whipping twice over: once on account of “And every creeping thing that creeps on the earth shall be an abomination. It shall not be eaten.” (Leviticus 11:41)** , and once on account of “You shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creeps” (Leviticus 11:43). Similarly, one who eats any winged swarming thing is liable to whipping twice over: once on account of, “Also every creeping thing that flies is unclean for you; they shall not be eaten.” (Deuteronomy 14:19)*** and once on account of, “You shall not make yourselves abominable…etc.”.
** See Neg. Comm. 176
*** See Neg. Comm. 175
Moreover, one who eats a single insect which is both winged and creeps upon the earth, so that it is at one and the same time a winged swarming thing and a thing that swarms upon the earth, is punished by whipping four times.* If in addition the insect is of a variety which swarms in the water, eating it will be punishable by six infliction of whipping: four as stated, the fifth for an unclean fish, of which it is said, “you shall not eat their flesh” (Leviticus 11:11),** and the sixth on account of “You shall not make yourselves abominable… etc.”
** See Neg. Comm. 173