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The Sharia of Muhammad in the KORAN
In this compilation the following works were used:
- For the School of Law of the Hanafites (Abbreviation = Hanf):
Al-Sarakhsi (died 1090 AD), al-Mabsut (32 volumes) - For the School of Law of the Malikites (Abbreviation = Malik):
Ibn al-Arabi (died 1240 AD), Ahkam al-Qur’an (4 volumes) - For the School of Law of the Shafiites (Abbreviation = Shaf):
Al-Mawardi (died 1058 AD), al-Hawi al-Kabir (20 volumes) - For the School of Law of the Hanbalites (Abbreviation = Hanb):
Ibn Qudama (died 1223 AD), al-Mughni (11 volumes)
The English translation of the Koran that is used is by George Sale.
Along side Koranic verses that follow in this compilation, you will find names of schools of law in parenthesis as well as a particular aspect of Sharia Law, also in parenthesis. The noted schools are ones that have quoted the verse to justify the corresponding aspect of their Sharia Law. If no school of law is listed, it is because the verse was not quoted in the Sharia reference works we consulted, however we have included the verse because it thematically relates to the subject concerned.
Overview and Statistics:
PART 1 – Commandments of the Koran that concern WORSHIP of Allah ( 'ibaadaat) | |
01. Tahaara (Ritual Purity) | 13 Verses |
02. Qibla (Direction of Prayer) | 10 Verses |
03. Salaat (Liturgical Prayer) | 96 Verses |
04. Zakaat (Religious Taxes) | 83 Verses |
05. Sawm (Fasting) | 11 Verses |
06. Hajj (Pilgrimage) | 35 Verses |
07. Dhabaa'ih (Sacrifices) | 14 Verses |
08. Jihaad (Holy War) | 106 Verses |
09. Ghaniima (Booty) | 9 Verses |
TOTAL | 377 Verses |
PART 2 – Commandments of the Koran that concern CONDUCT towards others (mu'aamalaat) | |
10. Nikaah (Marriage Contracts) | 72 Verses |
11. Mahiidh (Menstrual Periods) | 4 Verses |
12. Radaa' (Breast Feeding) | 7 Verses |
13. Muhammad's Wives | 17 Verses |
14. Jawaari (Girl Slaves) | 8 Verses |
15. Talaaq (Divorce) | 36 Verses |
16. Wasaaya (Wills and Testaments) | 8 Verses |
17. Miiraath (Inheritance) | 15 Verses |
18. Yataama (Orphans) | 11 Verses |
19. Shahaada (Confession) | 17 Verses |
20. Aymaan (Swearing an Oath) | 13 Verses |
21. Tijaara (Sales and Trade) | 24 Verses |
22. 'Uquud (Contracts) | 17 Verses |
23. Amaanaat (Fiduciary) | 6 Verses |
24. Quruud (Mortgages) | 4 Verses |
25. Riba (Interest) | 8 Verses |
26. At'ima (Food) | 33 Verses |
27. Khamr (Wine) | 6 Verses |
28. Sayd (Hunting) | 8 Verses |
29. Qisaas (Punishment) | 8 Verses |
30. Hiraaba (Highway Robbery) | 2 Verses |
31. Qatl (Murder) | 12 Verses |
32. Zina (Adultery) | 9 Verses |
33. Qadhf (Slander) | 9 Verses |
34. Sariqa (Theft) | 1 Verse |
35. Ridda (Apostasy) | 8 Verses |
TOTAL | 363 Verses |