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21. Supremacy of Light over the Power of Darkness

How Christ Confirmed To Me The Forgiveness Of My Sins

I was still doubting whether my sins were forgiven or not. For the devil kept referring me to my former sins. One day I asked God to show me a sign, if my sins are really forgiven. I did this even though I remembered that when I had first repented a snake bit me and I called upon the Name of Jesus and was cured, without using any medicine.

There was a man in a village called Jangargari, near Dadin-Kowa in Gombe county. This man had been mad for over twenty years. When his madness became very serious they arrested him and took him to the Police where he was detained for three days. Shekarau would fetch water from the river and pour it into a well and he would fetch water from that well and carry it to the river. He continued with this behaviour for a long time. When I heard of this I went to the villagers and asked if I could see Shekarau. But the people said that it was not possible, for he was very furious and at this juncture he was locked in a room and they had placed logs at the door. After insisting that I wanted to see him, they took me there. On entering the house I told them to remove the logs. They did. When I entered I stretched forth my hand to shake his hand and he responded. I told him that I would pray for him. He agreed and we prayed. On finishing the prayer he fell asleep for he had not slept for fourteen days when the tension was high. I visited him the next day and I found that he was still sleeping. Shekarau became healthy, and now he is a very sensible person. Praise God for that. This confirmed my faith. I went about laying hands on the sick and healing them in the name of Jesus.

Another incident concerned the child which we had in 1984. He could not sit down nor stand. He was just like a piece of yam, but he was well and sucking the breast of his mother. The child became a great problem for us and we did not know what to do. We took the child to the church to be prayed for many times. The child would start to cry at the gate to the church. This lasted for three years. We were disturbed physically. We took the child to all kinds of medicine men and all types of medicine were used but to no avail. One day I was led to fast and pray. I fasted from April to July 1986. In my prayer I told God: Behold, Hakimu is in your hands. If he is a real human being, cure him. But if he is not a human being I want you to destroy the devil with all his works. The child’s name was Abd-ul-Hakimu (Servant of the Wise One). When all hope to cure him was dashed, when no more hope was forthcoming, we only waited on the Lord. I believed that my prayers were answered and I knew that one day the solution would be attained, for the Lord said, “Is there anything too hard for me?” (Genesis 18:14 and Jeremiah 32:27) The Lord also said, “Rejoice, I have conquered the world!” (John 16:33) While waiting on the Lord, on Monday, January 12, 1987, while I was sleeping, someone appeared to me. The man was in white. He pressed me and later removed a heavy load from me. I woke up and took note of the time of this event. The weekend I went home, I discovered that the Child Abd-ul-Hakimu died exactly at that very hour when that man appeared to me. My Lord has done it again! He defeated the devil mercilessly. The devil lost the battle again. He is a liar. Victory is always with Jesus. These and other things occurred and are still happening with me. I am always a victor in HIM. I say, “Satan is a liar!” God is great and God is mighty.

In those days, if any wickedness was planned against Christians, nothing would befall them. When I say Christians, I mean those who are born again and are baptized with the Holy Ghost, not mere church goers. If you were a church goer only, we would get you very easily. There is power in the Name of Jesus.

Brethren, let our Lord receive glory and adoration, for He is Lord.

He is Lord! He is Lord!
He has risen from the dead! He is Lord!
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess,
that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Come out from the power of darkness and have your sins blotted out and be saved. We should pray that God will deliver all evil-doers.

In Christ our Lord,
Alhajji Aliyu Ibn Mamman Dan-Bauchi

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