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009 - Preview of STAGE 2: Biblical Passages and Biblical Personalities in the Koran
The next two stages of this ministry course are devoted to two alternative ways in which the Koran can be investigated biblically. The present stage (Stage 2) focuses on BIBLICAL PASSAGES, i.e. on paragraphs, chapters or larger units of the Bible, to see how their biblical content was taken up and modified in the Koran. It turns out that many of these biblical passages taken up by the Koran concern BIBLICAL PERSONALITIES. We first give an overview and then, as an example, focus in detail on one biblical personality and passage (Adam in Genesis 2 to 5) in view of how and why the Koran took up and modified this biblical content.
Stage 3 (in the future Part 2 of this course) will focus on biblical words and biblical teachings, i.e. on elements of the Bible that usually are not concentrated in one biblical passage, but are found in verses distributed throughout the Bible. Wherever possible these biblical words and teachings can then be compared to corresponding words and teachings of the Koran to see how and why such biblical content was taken up and modified in the Koran.