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A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran

Jump to Unit: 01 -- 02 -- 03 -- 04 -- 05 -- 06 -- 07 -- 08 -- 09 --10 -- 11 -- 12 -- 13 -- 14 -- 15 -- 16 -- 17 -- 18 -- 19 -- 20


Unit 01 - PREVIEW: What to expect in this ministry course

Unit 02 - INNER LIMITS: Comparing the Bible and the Koran as BOOKS

STAGE 2 - Tracing Biblical PASSAGES and Biblical PERSONALITIES in the Koran

Unit 03 - SURVEY: For the Bible as a whole, produce a panorama of biblical PSSAGES that were taken up in the Koran

Unit 04 - COMPILE: For PERSONALITIES in the Bible taken up in the Koran produce lists of Bible passages and corresponding lists of Koran passages for each such biblical personality

Unit 05 - CORRELATE: For biblical passages on ADAM associate Koran passages to similar biblical passages, to find omissions of, additions to, and changes of biblical content in the Koran

Unit 06 - OBJECTIVES: Follow a general procedure for analyzing, explaining and using omissions, additions and changes between the Bible and the Koran

Unit 07 - INVESTIGATE OMISSIONS: For Adam in the Bible, what biblical content was omitted in the Koran, why was it omitted and what can you do about it in your ministry?

07.1 - OMISSION EXAMPLE 1: The LORD God (Genesis 2:4b omitted in the Koran)
07.2 - OMISSION EXAMPLE 2: The LORD God planted a garden in Eden as a place for Adam to live in (Genesis 2:8-14 omitted in the Koran)
07.3 - OMISSION EXAMPLE 3: The descendants of Adam and Eve from their third son Seth (Genesis 5:1-32 omitted in the Koran)

Unit 08 - INVESTIGATE ADDITIONS: For Adam in the Koran, what non-biblical content was added to the Koran, from where was it added and what can you do about it in your ministry?

08.1 - ADDITION EXAMPLE 1: Allah commanded the angels to worship Adam right after his creation. All obeyed except the Devil, who was condemned by Allah, but given respite on the Devil's appeal (Six koranic passages about Adam added by the Koran)
08.2 - ADDITION EXAMPLE 2: Adam's repentance and restitution (Three koranic verses about Adam added by the Koran)

Unit 09 - INVESTIGATE CHANGES: For Adam in the Bible and in the Koran, what biblical content was changed in the Koran, why was it changed and what can you do about it in your ministry?

09.1 - CHANGE EXAMPLE 1: Adam in the Garden and the interdiction to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil
151 -- CHANGE EXAMPLE 1: Introduction to the ANALYSIS and EXPLANATION of these correlated texts from Bible and Koran
09.1.1 - Element 1: God put Adam in the Garden of Eden
09.1.2 - Element 2: The purpose of Adam in the Garden of Eden
09.1.3 - Element 3: God spoke to Adam
09.1.4 - Element 4: Permission to eat of every tree in the garden
09.1.5 - Element 5: Interdiction to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
09.1.6 - Element 6: Consequences of breaking this interdiction

Unit 10 - CONCLUDE: Bring together all findings in a panorama on how biblical content about Adam was modified in the Koran

10.1 - Adam in Genesis 1
10.2 - Adam in Genesis 2
10.3 - Adam in Genesis 3
10.4 - Adam in Genesis 4
10.5 - Adam in Genesis 5

STAGE 3 - Tracing Biblical WORDS and Biblical TEACHINGS in the Koran

Unit 11 - SURVEY: Compare all the words of the Arabic Bible and of the Arabic Koran to produce an exhaustive comparative concordance on the Bible and Koran in Arabic

Unit 12 - ORGANIZE: Distinguish four Dimensions of biblical teachings as a framework for comparing teachings of the Bible with corresponding teachings of the Koran

Unit 13 - DIMENSION 1: Human life with God in Bible and Koran

Unit 14 - DIMENSION 2: God and his Creatures in Bible and Koran

Unit 15 - DIMENSION 3: Sin, Judgment and Salvation in Bible and Koran

Unit 16 - DIMENSION 4: Communal Life with and before God in Bible and Koran

Unit 17 - EXAMPLE: The teaching on atonement in the Old Testament, in the New Testament and in the Koran

STAGE 4 - OUTER LIMITS: Competing Approaches

Unit 18 - JEWISH Approaches: Rabbinical Investigations of the Koran

Unit 19 - MUSLIM Approaches: Koranic Investigations of the Bible

Unit 20 - ACADEMIC Approaches: Critically Rationalistic Investigations of both the Bible and the Koran

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