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BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
STAGE 2 - Biblical PASSAGES and Biblical PERSONALITIES in the Koran
UNIT 03 - SURVEY: Biblical PASSAGES in the Koran
051 -- Introduction to STAGE 2
There are two ways, in which the Bible and the Koran can be compared: either by focusing on biblical passages or by focusing on biblical teachings. In this first main part, we focus not on biblical concepts or verses, but on passages, chapters and sections of the Bible asking if and how the Koran has taken up content from such biblical passages.
GENERAL METHOD: In the eight units of this STAGE 2 we outline a methodology for biblical investigations of the Koran, which will deliver the foundation for producing a Bible commentary in view of the Koran. We summarize our experiences in this field by suggesting eight practical steps that can be taken in any biblical investigation of the Koran. The first two steps, which are fairly complex, we have completed for you. They are the following:
1. SURVEY: For the
Bible as a whole, produce a panorama of biblical passages that were taken up in the Koran. (Completed in UNIT 03)
2. COMPILE: For biblical personalities taken up in the Koran, produce lists of Bible passages and corresponding lists of Koran verses for each such biblical personality. (Completed in UNIT 04)
The remaining six steps we present in the context of a specific passage and personality of the Bible as an example (the passage Genesis 2 to 5 and the personality of Adam in the Bible and the Koran), but you can apply these same six steps to other passages or subjects that interest you. These six steps are the following:
3. CORRELATE: For the
biblical passages on Adam, associate Koran verses on Adam to similar biblical passages to find omissions of, additions to, and changes of biblical content on Adam in the Koran. (Exemplified in UNIT 05 -- This step and the last four steps of this Stage 2 can be applied by you to any other biblical personality that appears in the Koran, using our compilations from Step 2 above.)
4. OBJECTIVES: Follow a general procedure guided by three objectives to a) analyze, b) explain and c) use omissions, additions and changes between the Bible and the Koran. (Presented in UNIT 06 -- This procedure with its three objectives can be applied to any biblical investigation of the Koran.)
5. INVESTIGATE OMISSIONS: For Adam in the Bible and using the correlations from Step 3 and the objectives from Step 4, find out the details of what biblical content was omitted in the Koran, then why it was omitted and finally what you can do about this in your ministry. (Exemplified in UNIT 07 -- This step can be applied to the remaining omissions of biblical content from the Koran concerning Adam, which were discovered in Step 3.)
6. INVESTIGATE ADDITIONS: For Adam in the Koran and using the correlations from Step 3 and the objectives from Step 4, find out the details of what non-biblical content was added to the Koran, then from where this non-biblical content was added and finally what you can about this in your ministry. (Exemplified in UNIT 08 -- This step can be applied to the remaining additions of non-biblical content to the Koran concerning Adam, which were discovered in Step 3.)
7. INVESTIGATE CHANGES: For Adam in the Bible and the Koran and using the correlations from Step 3 and the objectives from Step 4, find out the details of what from the Bible was changed and how the Koran has changed this biblical content, then why the Koran has changed this biblical content in such a way, and finally what you can do about this in your ministry. (Exemplified in UNIT 09 -- This step can be applied to the remaining changes of biblical content in the Koran concerning Adam, which were discovered in Step 3.)
8. COMPLETE: For Adam in the Bible and the Koran and after completing all investigations of omissions, additions and changes between the Bible and the Koran concerning Adam in Genesis chapters 1 to 3, bring together the contrasts between the biblical and koranic Adam in a final synthesis. (Completed in UNIT 10 -- This step can be applied to any other biblical personality or biblical subject appearing in the Koran.)