Home -- English-1 -- English-2 -- BIK01 -- Step 178 - Genesis 2:5-6 omitted in the Koran
BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
STAGE 2 - Biblical PASSAGES and Biblical PERSONALITIES in the Koran
UNIT 10 - CONCLUDE - Bring together all findings in a panorama on how biblical content about Adam was modified in the Koran
10.2 - Adam in Genesis 2
178 - Adam 03 - The Land before its cultivation
Texts -- BIBLE: Genesis 2:5-6 ---- OMITTED in KORAN
Contrast 1 -- BIBLE: Contains a description of the land before God intervened with the creation of plants. -- KORAN: Does NOT contain such a description of the land before Allah started creating plants. >> Meaning >> BIBLE: This is related to the fact that the Bible explicitly teaches of a beginning in creation (Genesis 1:1). -- KORAN: This may be related to the fact that the word “beginning” was completely omitted in the Koran.