Home -- English-1 -- English-2 -- BIK01 -- Step 008 - Preview: The Bible and the Koran as Books
BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
UNIT 01 - PREVIEW: What to expect in this ministry course
008 - Preview of Unit 02: The Bible and the Koran as Books
To get started and as an introduction to the whole field, we will look at the Bible and the Koran as complete books.
For this we first highlight four seeming similarities between the book of the Bible and the book of the Koran: both have to do
(1) with revelation,
(2) with God,
(3) with men of God and
(4) with God's creation and God's judgment.
Then we will look at seven differences that clearly distinguish the book of the Bible from the book of the Koran: for each book we discuss
(1) the history of formation of the book, then
(2) the original language(s),
(3) the status of translations,
(4) the order of the content,
(5) the size of the entire text,
(6) the usage of the book, as well as
(7) the existence of possible supplements to the respective book.
These differences will help you pinpoint the inner limits for any comparison between the Bible the Koran.
Here you can access the content of this UNIT 02 (Steps 032 to 049):