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BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
STAGE 2 - Biblical PASSAGES and Biblical PERSONALITIES in the Koran
UNIT 05 - CORRELATE: ADAM in Genesis 1 to 5 and in the Koran
087 - Adam in Genesis 3 Correlated to the Koran
For this chapter, Genesis 3, we again found Koran verses about Adam, which we were able to correlate to individual passages from this biblical chapter. Here are the details:
Adam 12 - How the snake seduced Adam's wife in the Garden
BIBLE: Genesis 3:1-5
KORAN -- CHANGED: -- Suras al-A'raf 7:20+27 -- Ta Ha 20:120
Adam 13 - Adam's wife and he himself ate of the forbidden tree
BIBLE: Genesis 3:6.7
KORAN -- CHANGED: -- Suras al-A'raf 7:22+27 -- Ta Ha 20:115+121
Adam 14 - How Adam and his wife tried to excuse themselves in the LORD God's conversation with them
BIBLE: Genesis 3:8-13
KORAN -- CHANGED: -- Sura al-A'raf 7:22-23
Adam 15 - The LORD God condemned the snake
BIBLE: Genesis 3:14-15
Adam 16 - The LORD God condemned Adam's wife
BIBLE: Genesis 3:16
Adam 17 - The LORD God condemns Adam
BIBLE: Genesis 3:17-19
KORAN -- CHANGED: -- Suras al-Baqara 2:36 -- al-A'raf 7:24 -- Ta Ha 20:55 -- al-Hajj 22:66
Adam 18 - Adam named his wife Eve and the LORD God made garments of skin for them to cover their nakedness
BIBLE: Genesis 3:20-21
KORAN -- CHANGED: -- Sura al-A'raf 7:26
Adam 19 - The LORD God expelled Adam from the Garden of Eden
BIBLE: Genesis 3:22-24
KORAN -- CHANGED: -- Suras al-Baqara 2:36 -- al-A'raf 7:24+27 -- Ta Ha 20:123
Adam 20 - Adam's repentance and restitution
KORAN -- ADDED: -- Suras al-Baqara 2:37 -- al-A'raf 7:23 -- Ta Ha 20:122
>> Treated in Detail in ADDITION EXAMPLE 2 of Unit 08