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BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
STAGE 2 - Biblical PASSAGES and Biblical PERSONALITIES in the Koran
UNIT 05 - CORRELATE: ADAM in Genesis 1 to 5 and in the Koran

088 - Adam in Genesis 4 Correlated to the Koran

Here are the fours passages from Genesis 4 with which we were able to correlate verses about Adam in the Koran:

Adam 21 - The birth of Adam's sons Cain and Abel

BIBLE: Genesis 4:1-2

Adam 22 - How Cain killed his brother Abel and then was tried and judged by the LORD God

BIBLE: Genesis 4:3-15
KORAN -- CHANGED: -- Sura al-Ma'ida 5:27-32

Adam 23 - The descendants of Cain

BIBLE: Genesis 4:16-24

Adam 24 - A third son was born to Adam and Eve

BIBLE: Genesis 4:25-26
KORAN -- CHANGED: -- Suras al-A'raf 7:189b+190 -- Hud 11:61

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