Home -- English-1 -- English-2 -- BIK01 -- Step 118 - The added texts: Six Koran passages
BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
STAGE 2 - Biblical PASSAGES and Biblical PERSONALITIES in the Koran
UNIT 08 - INVESTIGATE ADDITIONS: Examples of Non-Biblical Texts on Adam Added in the Koran - Analysis, Explanation and Application
08.1 - ADDITION EXAMPLE 1: Allah commanded the angels to worship Adam right after his creation. All obeyed except the Devil, who was condemned by Allah, but given respite on the Devil's appeal (Six koranic passages about Adam added by the Koran)
118 - ADDITION EXAMPLE 1: The koranic TEXTS added to the Bible (Suras 2:34 -- 7:11-18 -- 15:28-43 -- 17:61-66 -- 20:116-117 -- 38:71-85)
BIBLE (0 verses): No trace.
KORAN (six passages in 48 verses): Added -- Sura al-Baqara 2:34 -- “And (it was) when we (i.e. Allah) said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam!’ so they prostrated (all), except Iblis (the Devil). He (the Devil) refused and became proud (haughty) and was (one) of the disbelievers.” -- Sura al-A'raf 7:11-18 -- “11 And (truly) we (i.e. Allah) have created you (human beings), then formed you. Then we said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam!’ So they prostrated (all), except Iblis (the Devil). He was not (one) of those who prostrated. 12 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?’ He (i.e. the Devil) said, ‘I (am) better than him (i.e. Adam). You created me from fire and you created him from clay.’ 13 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘So descend from it (the garden of Paradise?), for it is not for you to become proud (haughty) in it. So, get out! (Truly,) you are (one) of those who (are) made small. 14 He (the Devil) said, ‘Grant me a delay (from this judgment) until the day they will be sent forth (from their graves in the resurrection).’ 15 He (Allah) said, ‘(Truly) you are of those who are granted a delay (with this judgment).’ 16 He (the Devil) said, ‘By that, with which you tempted me (in a misleading way), I will surely sit (in ambush) for them on your straight path (on which you want them to walk). 17 Then I will come upon them from between their hands (i.e. from before them) and from behind them and from their right sides and from their left sides, and you (Allah) will not find most of them (to be) thankful.’ 18 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘Get out of it (i.e. the garden of Paradise?), (as someone who is) reproached and expelled! (Truly, he) who follows you from them -- (surely) I will fill Hell with you, all together.’ ” -- Sura al-Hijr 15:28-43 -- “28 And (it was), when your Lord said to the angels, ‘I am creating (i.e. about to create) a human (being) from clay, from shaped mud. 29 So when I have fashioned him and blown into him of my spirit, then fall down to him (i.e. to the human being), prostrating.’ 30 So the angels prostrated, all of them together, 31 except Iblis (the Devil). He refused to be with those who were prostrating. 32 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘O Iblis (Devil)! What is (the matter) with you that you are not with those who are prostrating (to the human being)?’ 33 He (i.e. the Devil) said, ‘Never would I prostrate to a human (being), whom you created from clay, from shaped mud.’ 34 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘So get out of it (i.e. the garden of Paradise?), for you are (punished with) being stoned (i.e. with stones thrown against you). 35 And (truly) upon you is the curse until Judgment Day.’ 36 He (i.e. the Devil) said, ‘My Lord! Then grant me a delay until the day they are sent forth (from their graves in the resurrection).’ 37 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘So (truly) you are of those who are granted a delay (with this judgment) 38 until the day of the well-known time!’ 39 He (i.e. the Devil) said, ‘My Lord! By that (i.e. because of that), with which you tempted me (in a misleading way), I will surely decorate (i.e. make attractive) to them (things) on earth, and I will surely tempt them (in a misleading way) all together 40 except your (slavish) worshippers among them, the faithful ones.’ 41 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘This is a path (necessary) upon me, (which is) straight. 42 (Truly) my slavish worshippers, you have no power over them, except those who follow you, of those (who) go astray. 43 And (truly) (Jahannam) Hell is (indeed) their appointment, (for) all of them.’ ” -- Sura al-Isra' 17:61-66 -- “61 And (it was) when we (i.e. Allah) said to the angles, ‘Prostrate to Adam!’ So they prostrated (all of them), except Iblis (the Devil). He said, ‘Should I prostrate to (one), whom you created (from) clay?’ 62 He (i.e. the Devil) said, ‘What do you think about this (one), whom you have honored above me? (Truly) if you (would) delay me until the Day of the Resurrection (and not throw me into Hell immediately), (then surely) I would violently ride (all) his descendants, except (for) a few.’ 63 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘Leave! So (truly) who(ever) of them follows you, then (truly) (Jahannam) Hell (will be) your (punishing) wage, an ample (punishing) wage. 64 And with your voice (keep) jumping at whom(ever) you can (to scare them), and bring (mischief) upon them with your horses and your foot (soldiers), and associate yourself with them in (questions of) property and children, and promise (things) to them. -- And what al-Shaitan (i.e. Satan) promises them, (is nothing) but deception. -- 65 And (truly) my (slavish) worshippers, over them you have no power (of authority).’ And your Lord (i.e. Allah) suffices as trustee.” -- Sura Ta Ha 20:116-117 -- “116 And (it was) when we (i.e. Allah) said to the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam!’ So they prostrated (all), except Iblis (the Devil). He refused. 117 So we (i.e. Allah) said, ‘O Adam! (Truly) this is an enemy to you and to your mate (i.e. wife). So do not let him oust you (two) from the Garden (of Paradise), so (that) you would become miserable.’ -- Sura Sad 38:71-85 -- “71 (It was) when your Lord (i.e. Allah) said to the angels, ‘(Truly) I am creating (i.e. about to create) a human (being) from clay. 72 So when I have fashioned him and blown into him of my spirit, then fall down to him (i.e. the human being) prostrating.’ 73 So the angels prostrated, all (of them) together, 74 except Iblis (the Devil). He became proud (haughty) and was (one) of the disbelievers. 75 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘O Iblis (Devil)! What prevented you from prostrating to that which I created with my (two) hands? Did you become proud (haughty), or were you (already) one (of) the high ones?’ 76 He (i.e. the Devil) said, ‘I am better than him. You created me from fire and you created him from clay.’ 77 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘So get out of it (i.e. the garden of Paradise?), for (truly) you are (punished with) being stoned (i.e. with stones thrown against you). 78 And (truly) upon you is my (i.e. Allah's) curse until Judgment Day.’ 79 He (i.e. the Devil) said, ‘My Lord! Then grant me a delay until the day they are sent forth (from their graves in the resurrection).’ 80 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘So (truly) you are of those granted a delay (with this judgment) 81 until the day of the well known time.’ 82 He (i.e. the Devil) said, ‘So by your might! I will (surely) tempt them (in a misleading way), all together, 83 except your (slavish) worshippers among them.’ 84 He (i.e. Allah) said, ‘So, (by) the Truth! And the truth I say: 85 I will surely fill (Jahannanm) Hell with you and with those of them (who) follow you, all together.’ ”