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BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
UNIT 01 - PREVIEW: What to expect in this ministry course

017 - Preview of Unit 10: Panorama on ADAM in Bible and Koran

We complete this STAGE 2 on investigating biblical passages in the Koran, by complementing our findings from the last three units with additional investigations on the biblical Adam in the Koran, which we do not present in detail in this ministry course.

Instead we sketch out in a summary overview the contrasts between the biblical and koranic Adam that we were able to find when starting with Genesis chapters 1 to 3.

Here you can access the content of this UNIT 10 (Steps 174 to 203):

10.1 - Adam in Genesis 1
10.2 - Adam in Genesis 2
10.3 - Adam in Genesis 3
10.4 - Adam in Genesis 4
10.5 - Adam in Genesis 5

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