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BIK01 - Biblical Investigations of the Koran
A Ministry Course on Biblical Content in the Koran
UNIT 01 - PREVIEW: What to expect in this ministry course

007 - Preview of Unit 01: General Structure of this Course

This ministry course on Biblical Content in the Koran will take you through four stages and a total of 20 units. Each unit will comprise a certain number of steps. The four stages of this course are the following:

STAGE 1: Introduction and INNER LIMITS
STAGE 2: Tracing biblical PASSAGES and biblical PERSONALITIES in the Koran.
STAGE 3: Tracing biblical WORDS and biblical TEACHINGS in the Koran.
STAGE 3: OUTER LIMITS: Competing Approaches

The units in Stage 2 present a method for producing a Bible commentary in view of the Koran. And the units in Stage 3 present a framework for producing a comparative wordbook on the Bible and the Koran.

In the following steps of UNIT 01 we present a separate preview for each of the remaining 19 units in this ministry course on biblical content in the Koran.

Here you can access the content of this UNIT 01 (Steps 002 to 031):

007 -- Preview of Unit 01 - General Structure of this Course

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